Tuesday 20 August 2013

Skatepark Information Meeting

There will be another meeting with regards to the Skate Spot in Woodbine at Woodcreek Community Centre on Wednesday, August 21st at 7pm.


  1. I were surprised at the way the people opposed to your views were being ridiculed last night. As a parent, we try to teach our kids good manners and that being polite is a good virtue. To see the president of the WCA constantly refering to us as NIMBY's was totally uncalled for. This was suppossedly a community meeting, where everyone has the right to his or her opinion. Did not look like that to me.

    When asked multiple times about who will take accountability of monitoring the park, we were told maybe we should volunteer for that. This borders on absurdity!

    When possible flooding issues caused by the equally ridiculous idea of paving the ice rink were pointed out, our president stated that things will get dealt with after it happens. WOW! When pointed out the absurdity of that statement, one person at the table acknowledged that they never thought about the flooding aspect. This rasies a serious question...What else have you never thought of!

    I am sorry to say, but this meeting only highlighted that this whole project is being dealt with in a unprofessional manner.

    What is the point of having a meeting, when you are unwilling to be open to ideas contrary to your views.

  2. The whole tone of the meeting was insulting and inappropriate! I suppose that is what we should have expected when Cec Jahrig already stated that he will build this park no matter what, in the past.

    To learn that you are now considering to pave the ice rink came as a big surprise. Are you so intent to create strife in the community? We all know that this will be a magnet for skate boarders, and I am starting to wonder if this was decided upon, to get back at the people opposing your skate park idea.

    You should be ashamed of yourselfs!
